汇森 - 家居专馆


中国(赣州)第九届家具产业线上博览会 为进一步提升南康家具品牌的知名度和影响力,激活产业升级“新引擎”,贯彻落实省、市、区关于大力实施“双一号工程”部署,做大做强数字经济产业,推动南康家具产业线上线下驱动发展, 打造南康电商千亿产业集群,在本届家博会期间,2022年6月28日至7月5日,同步举办中国(赣州)第九届家具产业线上博览会。

活动时间:2022年6月28日-7月5日 活动形式:中国(赣州)第九届家具产业线上博览会,将通过世界商品网搭建的云展云销平台,实现全球同步直播,为每位参会人员搭建一对一交流平台,配配通SaaS国际综合贸易服务平台作为唯一全生态贸易服务平台,提供一站式国际贸易供应链解决方案。本次线上博览会有幸邀请到南康区人民政府、赣州市商务局领导发表致辞,预计将有200家行业 龙头采供企业参会,国内多家头部线上平台负责人将发表演讲,预计可达500万次线上观展。

最新采购需求 9877+


  • dining room dining table and chairs
    • 运往 加拿大
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    The dining room with steel and wood structure has a 4-person/6-person dining table and chairs, which can be disassembled and transported. 4 person size 1200*600*750 6 person size 1800*600*750(mm) The bracket requires a steel pipe with a thickness of 1.2mm or more The desktop material is solid wood board with a thickness of 20mm

  • wooden bed
    • 运往 阿拉伯联合酋长国
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    Frame structure, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 meters three kinds of wooden beds (excluding mattresses) and supporting cabinets. Other requirements: 1.2m size with one bedside table, the rest with two bedside tables; the distance between the keels of the bed board is not more than 2cm; a third-party test report is required;

  • hotel carpet
    • 运往 澳大利亚
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    Purchasing carpets for living rooms and hotels. Suppliers are required to provide contracts for exporting more than 1,000 square meters within one year; suppliers are required to pass SGS certification; provide third-party test reports; provide samples or product catalogues;

  • Wooden stair handrails and railings
    • 运往 法国
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    Wooden staircase handrails and railings. Requirements: 1. A contract for supplying the European region within one year is required; 2. The supplier needs to pass the FSC certification; 3. Provide samples or product catalogues; 4. Can be processed according to the design drawings; 5. The product needs to provide a third-party test report Ensure compliance with EU environmental protection requirements;

  • Pakistani customers need to purchase living room sofa
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    Pakistani customers need to purchase 900 sets of living room sofas. Suppliers are required to pass iso14001 environmental safety certification and FSC certification。

  • A Singaporean client purchased a solid wood dresser.
    • 运往 新加坡
    • 标准产品
    • 家居用品

    Customers in Singapore purchase solid wood dressers and require products with CE certification. The demand quantity is 800 sets per month.

  • 窗帘-P08036 凤梨霜汁 US $26.00
  • 窗帘-G06116 宝石森林 US $20.00
  • 窗帘-M05036 海岛清风 US $18.50
  • 窗帘VC0328——爱素 US $23.67
  • 窗帘VC0322_仙蒂瑞拉 US $23.67
  • 窗帘VC0305时尚变格 US $21.96
  • 简明橡木床 US $160.00
  • 简明弹簧床垫 US $160.00
  • HM-032 床 1.5米 1.8米 橡胶木床 US $130.00
  • 简明松鼠儿童实木床 US $300.00
  • HM-033 床 1.5米 1.8米 橡胶木床 US $148.00
  • 实木布艺沙发 US $350.00
  • 简明头层真皮软体沙发 US $1000.00
  • 简明软体沙发JM001SF034 US $400.00
  • HM-034 橡胶木 实木沙发 US $104.00
  • HM-016 软体沙发 US $600.00
  • HM-013 北欧榉木沙发 US $550.00
  • HM-014 软体沙发 US $660.00